Last Friday, we did a fun activity that taught us a very valuable life lesson. I gave each group one tube of toothpaste and each student a toothpick. After I emptied the tubes completely on their napkins, I had the students work as a team to put as much of the toothpaste back in the tube using only their toothpicks.
I gave them about 3 1/2 minutes. They were able to get most of their toothpaste back in, but they couldn't get it all. Then I told them that words are like that toothpaste. Once they are said, you can try to take them back, but you can never take them back fully. That's why it's so important to only use kind words.
That lead to our discussion about "Good Friends" vs. "Bad Friends." I demonstrated how a "good friend" would act and how a "bad friend" would act.
Then I read "A Bug and a Wish" to them. This was a really good book to show students how to deal with "bad friends" or with "good friends" who are making bad choices.
We discussed how they can stand up for themselves and take ownership of their words. We practiced using "Bug and wish" statements. For example, "It bugs me when you are talking while I'm trying to work. I wish you would not talk to me right then so I could get my work done." Then I gave the students some scenario cards to practice together in groups.