Saturday, September 9, 2017


Last Friday, we learned how to play a new game called "Flip-Out!"  It is a Math game where you have to roll two dice, add the dots on the dice together, and flip over and cover the numbers on the board game that it equals to.  For example, if you roll a 9, you can either cover the 9 or the 8 and 1 or the 7 and 2 and so on.  You can cover as many numbers as you need in order to equal the number that you rolled.  However, if  you roll something that you cannot cover, then you are done.  For instance, if you roll a 4, but you have no way of making a 4, you are done.  Then you have to add up the numbers that are left on your board, and that will be your score.  The lowest score wins.  And... if you end up covering ALL the numbers, you get a "FLIP-OUT!"  Those are always exciting!  :)

Of course, when playing any type of game, there are always problem-solving skills and strategies that you should use.  Like, for "Flip-Out," since the lowest score wins, you'll want to cover your biggest numbers first.  And, one of the biggest tricks is NOT to use your 2 unless you HAVE to.  Because if you use your 2, and then you roll a 2 ("Snake Eyes"), then you are done.  You'd have to add up all of those  numbers left, and odds are, you probably would not have the lowest score.

By the way, don't mind our robes and stuffed animals.  It was a Spirit and Pride Friday, and the theme was "Nighty Night Knights" since we were playing the Crestview Knights in football.

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